the site that makes this so great is you can do a free trial, but then I think it is $5 a month (which I think will be worth it, I haven't signed up yet but plan on it)
This site lets you choose what store you want to shop at, and then will have a list of all the items that are good deals that week. It will categorize them from ok deals (might as well if your going to buy it anyway), stock up on them deals, & (my favorite) Free Items.
It will break it down to what the item normally cost, then the sale the store is having, what manufactured coupon you need (it even directs you to the date it came out and the place to find it), and what the end cost will be.
You can select items from the "Master List" that you want and then it will make a new list of just what you selected.
Anyway....All yall should try it!!!!!